A new study reports Meriva Curcumin alleviates adverse effects of cancer treatment.Abstract: "A proprietary lecithin delivery system of curcumin (Meriva) was evaluated in acontrolled study to assess its efficacy in alleviating the side effects of cancer chemo- andradiotherapy in 160 patients undergoing these treatments. In both cases, a semi-quantitaveevaluation of the side effects was carried out using a visual analogue scale, assessing also theplasma free radical status in all patients. Results showed that lecithinized curcumin mightalleviate the burden of side effects associated to chemo- and radiotherapy, suggesting that theanecdotal use of various preparations of curcumin as a supportive agent for cancer treatment iswell worth a systemic investigation in larger scale clinical trials. The capacity of curcumin toupregulate anti-oxidative responses and downregulate inflammatory pathways could explain itsbeneficial effect in tempering the prolonged and systemic oxidative and inflammatory effects of cancer treatment, and the beneficial effects observed in the plasma oxidative status in allpatients of the treatment group support this view.2013, Velcaro, Hosoi, Pellegrini, et al., Phytotherapy Research published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.